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发布时间:2012-06-28 17:26:44

151The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large ___________.

       Afortune               Bluck                  Cmoney                Damount

152Don’t push me! __________ you know the truth right away?

      AMust                  BCould                CMight               DWould

153Scientist are not sure about the ___________ of water on the Mars.

      Aoccupation         Bexistence            Cdemand               Dtreasure

154He dressed up and went to the party as if ___________.

     Awas invited         Bhad been invited    Cinvited             Dto be invited

155Before the conference, a new problem came up __________ could speak on behalf of our group.

     Athat                    Bwho                  Cwhich                 Dhow

156Thank you very much for the trouble you have taken _________ me with my English.

     Ahelping                Bto help               Chelp                    Dhelped

157We are now living in a high-tech age ____ easy things are becoming complicated.

     Awhere          Bthat       Cwhen      D why

158. After half a year’s training, they were made entirely used   ____     underwater.

       Astay                   Bto stay                Cto staying           Dstaying

159. --- Everyone was at the party except you. What happened?

   --- I    ____   after Mike, my pet dog, at home. He was ill.

       Ahave looked         Bwas looking         Cwould look          Dhad looked

160I was close to being killed the other day. A car passed me at      ____  I thought was a dangerous speed.

       Aas                      Bwhich                 Cwhat                   Dthat

161. ---Jack, how did it __________ that you made so many mistakes in your homework?

   --- I myself haven’t figured them out yet.

A. occur to                   B. come about        C. bring about        D. get down

162.A notice was placed by the river bank warning people to ___________ the thin ice.

   A. keep off             B. keep out           C. keep away         D. keep on

163. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to     _____   healthy eating habits.

    A. grow                B. develop             C. increase            D. raise

164. Shall we ___________our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please?

A. break off     B. break down   C. break into     D. break out

165. It may rain --- you’d better take an umbrella _________.

A. in case       B. in this case    C. in no case     D. under the case

166. I would appreciate ___________ very much if you could give me some suggestions.

       Athis          Bthat                Cit                    Dyou

167. —Mr. Johnson, would you have some more ice-cream?

—No, thanks. It’s very good, but I have to ____________ my weight, you know.

       A watch                Bremain                 Cnotice                 Dsee

168. I promised to go to the party with Jane and I can’t ___________her ___________.

    A. let…down      B. do…up          C. round…up            D. set…down

169. ---I’m sorry. I’ve left my credit card home. And I don’t have enough cash for the meal.

       --- Don’t worry. ___________.

      A. I’ll invite you             B. It’s my pleasure to pay you

C. It’s my treat                         D. Let’s go Dutch.

170. —What terrible weather!

    —Yes . It’s been raining for two weeks, completely      ____   our holiday .

       Aruined                Bto ruin                Cto have ruined     Druining

171. Judging from his   __     look, I can say Mr. Li is      ___  at our arrival at this time.

   A. annoying, annoyed           B. annoying, annoying

C. annoyed, annoyed            D. annoyed, annoying

172. You said his lecture was instructive, but I don’t think it     ___   any sense.

   A. gives      B. takes       C. keeps        D. makes

173. So hard was the woman’s life, but to her    _____  , her only son was admitted to a top university last year.

   A. surprise      B. relief      C. astonishment     D. disappointment

174. Jack wishes that he     _____  all related facts into consideration before he made the decision.

   A. took        B. takes       C. had taken       D. would take

175.   _______  giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.

   A. Except       B. Apart from       C. But      D. Except that

176.  _____     the town   _____    we met each other for the first time many years ago?

   A. Was it, that       B. Was it, where      C. Was that, that     D. Was this, which

177. I suggest you choose   _____    you think is kind and friendly.

   A. whom      B. who      C. whoever       D. whomever

178. With a lot of difficult problems  ____   , the manager felt a heavy burden taken off his mind.

   A. settled      B. to be settled      C. settling      D. to settle

179. ——Alice looks sad. Did you tell her about the accident?

   ——Yes, but I    ______ her just before her final examinations.

   A. should have told           B. shouldn’t have told

C. needn’t have told          D. must have told

180.—— Could you be so kind to close the window?

   ——     ___  .

   A. Go ahead       B. Help yourself      C. Yeah, with pleasure      D. Yes, please

181. It was a bit doubtful at first, but it    ____  to be a really good idea.

   A. turned up      B. turned in     C. turned out      D. turned down

182.     _____  to go abroad, his spare time is totally spent in learning English.

   A. Having intended       B. Intending  

C. To intend             D. Because he intends

183. ——It will be terrible to see the nuclear war happen.

    ——That’s right. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people   _____   harm them.

   A. more than      B. rather than     C. other than      D. better than

184. ——Why on earth didn’t you answer the phone?

   ——I’m terribly sorry, but the doorbell    ____  , too.

   A. is ringing       B. rang       C. was ringing      D. was about to ring

185. I’m Chinese and I do feel    _____   Chinese language is   ______   most beautiful language. What’s your opinion?

   A. the; a        B.不填; the       C. the; 不填     D. 不填; a

186. Mrs. Black went back to __________ place __________ she had found the diamond.

A. the same; where     B. the same; as      C. the same; that       D. as the same; as

187. The professor paused as if ___________ his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.

A. expecting          B. is expecting      C. expected           D. to have expected

188. ---The weather report said that there is rain today.

---But I don’t think the football match will be put off __________.

A. although          B. even so          C. even though         D. as though

189. The bridge was named ___________ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.

A. by              B. after            C. with                        D. on

190. We are so busy that no one in the office can be __________ from any other work.

    A. drawn           B. pulled          C. spared                D. saved

191. Of her plays, three were __________ and one was ___________ failure.

    A. success; /       B. successes; /      C. success; a             D. successes; a

192. ---How much is the T-shirt___________?    

--- 65 dollars.

    A. worth          B. cost              C. worthy                D. paid

193. The writer will let me have a copy of his new book as soon as it ___________.

   A. comes up       B. comes across       C. comes out               D. comes down

194. Though small, the oranges sell ___________, because they taste __________.

    A. good, well            B. well, nice             C. nicely, well               D. nice, good

195. ---What is _________attract you most when you paid a visit to Beijing the other day?

    --- The beautiful scenery and being warmly welcomed by the people.

    A. it which       B. that that           C. it that                  D. that which

196. We watched the map ___________ to think up a practical way of getting ___________ to the island.

A. closely; closely                              B. close; close      

C. closely; close                       D. close; closely

197. ---How do you like the film?  

 ---________interesting than expected.

   A. A great deal much                   B. A great deal of more

C. A great deal of much                 D. A great deal more

198. ___________and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped __________ the beautiful scenery.

A. Tiring; to admire                   B. Being tired; admiring

C. Tired; to admire                    D. Tired; admiring

199. --- I always look out when crossing the street.

--- You're right. You cannot be too __________ .

A. nervous          B. careful           C. hurried          D. careless

200. --- I didn't watch TV last night, but I did my homework.    

--- __________.

A. So did 1         B. So it was with me      C. Neither did I        D. Nor did 1


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