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发布时间:2012-07-12 17:40:03

      1. 表示两者both,表示两者都不neither,表示两者中的任一either
             (1)If you can’t decide which of the two books to borrow, why don’t you take ______? I won’t read them this week.
             A. all                 B. any                C. either                 D. both
             (2)You may drop in or just give me a call. ______ will do
             A. Either               B. Each                C. Neither           D. All
             (3)—Which driver was to blame?
             —Why, _________! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.
             A. both           B. each              C. either           D. neither

             解析:由后文It was the child’s fault, clear and
            (4)There are two windows in the room. They ________face south.

             A. all               B. both              C. each              D. either
             (5)I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, _____of them answered it.
             A. either              B. none              C. neither             D. nobody
             解析:由my parents可知是指两者,由To my disappointment可知,两个中一个也没接电话。答案是C
      (6)We asked John and Jerry, but _____of them could offer a satisfactory explanation.
             A. either                B. none                 C. both                D. neither
      解析:由but可知,John Jerry“两者都不 答案是D
             (7)I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but ______ of them came.  
             A. neither                     B. either              C. none          D. both
             (8)Both teams were in hard training, ______ was willing to lose the game.
             A. either                B. neither               C. another             D. the other
      (9)Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?
          I’m afraid ______day is possible.
          A. either            B. neither             C. some            D. any
      解析:由I’m afraid可知,MondayTuesday两天都不行。答案是B
        (10)Are the two answers correct?
             No, ________correct.

       A. no one is        B. both are not              C. neither is          D. either is not
      解析:由twoNo可知两个答案都不对no one(=nobody)只能指人,排除Aboth are not correct是部分否定,意为并非两者都对(即一对一错)”,与no矛盾,排除B;英语中有not…either(=neither)的说法,但不能说either…not,排除D;表示完全否定两者都不neither。答案是C
      (11)There’s coffee and tea; you can have _____. 
          A. either                B. each                  C. one            D. it
      (12)Do you want tea or coffee?
           ______.I really don’t mind.
            A. Both                B. None              C. Either            D. Neither
      解析:由上文tea or coffee可知,是指两者;由I really don’t mind 可知,这两种饮料中的任何一种都行。答案是C
      (13)Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?
             If you keep still, you can sit at ________end.
             A. neither          B. each                 C. either            D. any
       解析:boat应当是两端,表示你可坐在任一端“(两者中的)任一either 答案是C

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